TravLITE Tutorial

The Screen

In your web browser you will see:


Generating NPCs

For Sex, there are three choices:

Male = Generate Male NPCs only
Female = Generate Female NPCs only
Random = Generate NPCs of either sex

The default value is Random.


Your inputted data is case-sensitive.

For How many NPCs, choose a value from 1 to 100.

The default value is 10.

For Characteristic Roll, you may enter a roll type that you are familiar with when doing your Traveller character generation. The common Characteristic Roll is 2d6. Not so common rolls are Boon and 1d6+6.


Whichever roll type you enter, keep in mind that the roll result range must not be larger than 2 - 15.

The generated NPCs will output in this format:


NPC names typically will start with a title, depending on their career or their social standing. Characters of nobility will have longer names and include the homeworld they are from.

Next is the NPC’s UPP, their sex, and age. The social class that the NPC was raised in is shown, along with how many terms they were in a career.

And last is the NPC’s list of skills.